-tipping point and the environmental education-

okay..that is the tite of seminar that i attended today..coordinated by Prof Callie Loubser from UNISA..university of South Africa..department of environmantal education...

overall, this seminar is quite beneficial and interesting since i'm gonna be a bio teacher. it is because the prof actually share the ideas how we as a teacher going to implement the env edu cut across the curriculum. thus, in this seminar we have done several activities that we should do in the class soon. n i feel very lucky to attend this seminar since i got some ideas how to teach the students abt the food chain and also the alternative energy. its not abt to explain to them but we have to emphasis abt the benefits and also the importance of certain natural sources. thats all i think..n last but not least..i enjoy this seminar ofcoz because of the food..hehe..(^_^)


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