}banned for being too good{

at last this phrase suits me..(~_-)

***my mind can't stop thinking about this thing..huhuhu..need to 'bluwekk' all here..but now im bz with thesis..thesis3!!!dush~
***things in my mind..(will become my 'bluwekk' title..)
-dont judge a book by its cover???-
-i did crime~thanks to those support me..luv u all..=)-
-true frens cry together-

ish..xsabar nk abes tesis..otak ni xle stop pikir psl menda2 ni..smpi la aku dpt bluwekk kt cni..baru lega..huhu..mmg la aku ni dh kne IAD..Internet Addicted Disorder..dlm time gawat nk siapkan tesis pun aku still nk kne blogging..dasyat la ko maiyah..ish..xpe2..cepat siapkan tesis..nnt otak ko tu berasap..(bkn sbb tesis..tp sbb x dpt nk blogging lelame kt cni..huuuuuuu~)
-chaiyok2 maiyah!!!ganbate!!


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