~maiyah--wat should do heh??

hmm..ros II is about to start..dis coming monday is my first secong ros day..what ros??not dat one dat u called az-zahrah kay..haha..it's something to do with my course @ upc lor..kinda prac i tot..but not dat full time teacher-to-be la..just hanging aroung at skul(+teaching sumtime)..looking 4 d environment..looking 4 encem teachers(hehe)..well..dat wat my frens said..but its not me who looking for dos guys..becoz dey wouldnt 'looking' to me never2..huhu..ape bahasa da..well..very love to use dat grammar-failed language..huhuh...


dh ready ke nk g ros??---ntah..dh..blom kot..
dh bli tiket??---dh ler..tp bus x best..hopefuly slamat..aminn..
happy??---not really
packing alr?---not yet..tader mood arr...
anything to shout out??---why ROS???

ok..till here..adios..


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