‘Heartless vs. emo-no vs. heartfelt vs. emo-yes’

Which one best suits my feelings now ---‘tears do tell everything’---
Hurm..might have to get seconds to think about it then~ Not so yes with that quote coz tears can lie too...
Always being that stupid mushy-sadly-dozy lil’ poor gal...oh me..why must u huh..
Stop that bloody feeling!!!
Oyeah??? Since when I got that feeling then??? aite..u r very aite.. But why must u feel that now??? It’s all because that ‘suppose-not-to-mention-the-name’ person.....or might say ‘doomed ‘. Yeah!! It’s really aite man...hahaha..this only way I can do..blogging…
---throwing fire n frost everywhere---!!!to everyside of the doomed thing!!!here the only place I can quetly shouting loudly.. burst all out to that doomed bloody thing..it ain’t no killing if I just put all inside here..nuclear bomb still the most safety thing ever after when my inside can’t bare anymore with all dis bloody thing..huh..quite heavy tis words aite???its my inner side voice..rusting and rotten all over there!!!!

~tensi mode tone~

Sad gal..there will be another day for u to return back all tis sadly thing..ur inner-side must be strong….keep on eye with that doomed thing..it’s just kinda disgusting dunk dat suppose to be fired!!! Dat doomed thing just deserve to be the dust!!! The very disgusting cinders!!! Go to hell with dat doomed thing```


Heyya doomed thing!!!u might can broadly sigh like gorilla dunk today```..but-------watch out ur self man!!!u r killing then```wait for the most ur-unforgettable-day huh!!
U’ll regreat~promise that..get lost with u!!!

~Sad gal..it’s ok then u if u feel like tis..but plez don’t get ruin of urself aite???promise me from ur very deep heart..only urself best-noe ‘bout ur very truly feeling----[heartless]

Come hell or high water..u r never ever can wreck ur self!!! Giv d best thing to urself and d worst thing to that doomed thing!!!


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