change for good is not ain't no killing =/
In a muslim’s perspective, we need to understand critically about changes. We need to comprehend the importance of change, the demand of a change, the boundaries of a change, the method of change and the result of a change. Everything about changes. Sometimes the demand of a change is just too high that we would somehow neglect or shift the fundamentals of our principles or simply said, the rulings of islam. As far as we can go, we must, and stressing this again, we must still be in the box of the syari’ah of islam in making changes.
We have heard oppressions and unjust events around the world affecting muslims for obeying Allah’s commands but no matter how hard it is, we are obliged to submit to the laws set by Allah. Verily Allah will always be with those who have patience, who do good deeds, who are on the straight path and with those who enjoin good deeds.
Generally, a few points to note about changes;
a. Now your situation and realise your capabilities and weaknesses - Be aware of where you are in terms of your environment, your inner and physical strength in your surroundings. Be able to control your current position, your capabilities and weaknesses
b. Analyse the nearby future and observe if there might be changes needed – be alert with the things related to your life and always review them if they might be affected with changes of others.
c. List the possibilities of changes and relate to point a. - List; if possible, the factors that affects you and rate them from secured to risky and make yourself an input-output analysis to evaluate your situation
d. Compare your situation and the nearby future’s demand on yourself – take note of the differences you might have to equalise and layout your rough strategy; or better with a step by step strategy, on how you are going to tackle this change
e. Train and help yourself with the adjustments needed – now prepare yourself for the change with practically adopting the changes into your life slowly. Ask for assistance from close friends, relatives, parents or whomever deemed suitable to do so
f. Learn to love the changes – try to adapt with the changes you are going through, accept them as part of your valuable life and that they are good improvements on you. NEVER fear changes.
g. Repeat the steps above because we never stop changing !!
It is important to note that all these steps are just too ideal to be done as prescribed but the best we can do, is to think positively and react rationally. Civilisations change, technology changes, human behaviours change. So why stay at the same spot? Muslims ought to change, but the fundamentals and the religion itself does not need to be changed because it fits in any time until the day of resurrection comes.