maiyah yedterday n today..2moro??still dano~

when the road u're trudging seems all uphill..when care is pressing you down a if you must but DON'T QUIT(!)...
okay..arini aku dh smpi tg malim smula..mesti setelkan keje sepantas yg boleh..skarang ni pun tgh 'langsaikn' hutang wat lecture notes..bile pikir2 smula..ptt la aku mcm mls je nk start wat powerpoint tu..material dh ade..cume nk rajenkn diri je ptg td aku ym ngn bdk ni..tanye punye tanye..rupe2nye aku dh salah paham sblm ni..cut it short..aku kene wat topik laen tgh wat la ni..hopefully dpt siap mlm ni jgk..sbb esk pagi2 aku nk print tesis utk jilid cmne skarang maiyah??apecer ngn kisah ko blk umah smlm??okay..act,aku bwk abah g some operation on his left hand..AVF..n act, some quite bad thing happened immeadiately after abah get off the ot..that stupid novice nurse take the blood pressure on abah's left hand..does it click on her mind yg abah baru je lpas operate??aku x paham sungguh2 la..aku ni yg bukan dr field diorg pun bleh pikir lg..AVF tu quite serius bila menyambungkn artery with something they called urat biase..n that sambungan tu they used the 'jahitan'..can she imagine when she took the blood press..the joined capable to b burst!!??
mmg aku x paham lgsg2..bila tekanan diberikan ke atas sesuatu yg belum kukuh..bukan ke mcm x logik..even org yg dh bertahun2 ngn AVF tu pun..xleh jgk amek blood press kt site tu..amende la ngn bdk burse tu..kalo ikutkn hati aku..nk je gtau kt diorg punye sister..tu pecat terus bdk tu..die xtau ke kt ot tu..dr ong tu 3 jam duk ngadap tangan kiri abah nk wat AVF tu..ish..rase mcm nk lempang pun mmg berlaku bleeding la beberapa jam lpas operate tu..n d term soggy kat dressing yg die wat tu..mmg aku bleh nmpk la..abah yg mmg risau tp try maintain je..mak mmg dh lpas bincang2..ptg td lpas aku blek cni..pakcik zari tlg bwk abah gi klinik..dr midi just wat dressing baru..n the bleeding seems normal..n die ckp..lpas 3 hari dtg smula..tgh samada bleeding tu stop ke x..hopefully everything gonna be okay n that AVF pun function..aku sedey bile tgk abah ulang alik gi hospital n very hope that everything gonna be okay..susah nk ckp cmne tp tu yg aku harapkan..may everything gonna be okay..insyaAllah..after family comes first..thanks to all my friends but very thankful to God for giving me the family..appreciate them damn much..with all the test given..make our life more meaningful..thank God..


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