web add kat ats tu baru je dpt dari sorg member ni..thanks to him..semoga ia sgt bermanfaat utk aku..every time aku online..insyaAllah aku akn bukak site tu..semoga dgn mendgr bacaan ayat2 suci Al-Quran tu..dapat mengahalng aku dari lalai dan leka sambil surfing internet nih..yela..kalo dh online tu..memacam benda la aku nk wat..kadang2 leh leka sampai berjam2..kalo nk ikut percentage..maybe leh ckp 90% dari ape aku wat tu..lagho jeh..ngn download lagu nye..avril ofcoz..cari lirik lagu lah..frenster la..tagged la..bolg la..(ni xpe kot..huhu..)..memacam lg la..ngn cari e-novel nye..(kalo yg bagus2 + islamic xpe la jugak kot..) biasenye aku kalo dh online tu..memacam la nk wat..nk view frenster org la..haii..mcm la xde mende nk ape la salahnye kalo smbil aku online smbil tu aku dgr quran..kalo ade mase..dari aku buang mase g view fs org..baik lg kalo aku view maksud ayat2 suci quran nih..dgr je kdg2 xsmpi mksud kt aku..
yela..sbb aku xpaham bhs aku kene tgk meaning die..insyaAllah..Ya Rabbi...please help me to ur way ya Allah..i'm goin to be a goood muslimah..change for good ain't easy..but it's not impossible~and also a compulsory for me to be a good muslimah..come hell or high water,
i've to be strong..try to change to good..pray work smart..sincere to Allah..beware of ur action in dark or crowed or no relax or every second..may Allah be with u is u dat hv to go to Allah..may Allah bless, my dear self..take care my dear body & soul..
yela..sbb aku xpaham bhs aku kene tgk meaning die..insyaAllah..Ya Rabbi...please help me to ur way ya Allah..i'm goin to be a goood muslimah..change for good ain't easy..but it's not impossible~and also a compulsory for me to be a good muslimah..come hell or high water,
i've to be strong..try to change to good..pray work smart..sincere to Allah..beware of ur action in dark or crowed or no relax or every second..may Allah be with u is u dat hv to go to Allah..may Allah bless, my dear self..take care my dear body & soul..